To place an order in Sofia Books online bookstore you have to create a customer account. Please use the following Registration form or Log in if you are already registered.
Please provide valid e-mail address and full shipping and billing address in the registration form. Allow up to 24 hours for your request for creating a new account to be approved.
After you receive e-mail with the approval of your account you will be able to access the full functionality of the system – view complete information regarding the titles and order items from the catalogue.
Please note that prices in the online catalogue do not include shipping costs.
When you place an order in the system you will receive an automatic e-mail with the summary of the order. You will be contacted shortly after that to confirm the order and clarify the shipping method and delivery details.
Allow up to 3 working days for the order to be processed. After the preparation of the shipment you will receive an invoice with shipping costs and payment details included.